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Creating a safer environment for sustainable development
Creating a safer environment for sustainable development
Driving innovation in policy and practice
Driving innovation
in policy and practice
Promoting good governance of the security sector
Promoting good governance
of the security sector
Strengthening global support for better security sector reform
Strengthening global support
for better security sector reform
Promoting gender equality for inclusive security
Promoting gender equality
for inclusive security


Another chapter in a long partnership on private security regulation DCAF and the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) continue their work together for business, security and human rights with the signing this week of a Memorandum of Understanding. In many conflict-affected places, businesses, humanitarian organizations, embassies and even governments hire private security companies to deal with their complex security problems. But they cannot be certain that they are not linked to armed groups or criminal networks. DCAF and ICoCA's 10 year partnership highlights our combined efforts to improve accountability and protect human rights through the creation and enforcement of international oversight standards and regulations for the private security industry.  20 Sep 2024

  • Another chapter in a long partnership on private security regulation

    DCAF and the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) continue their work together for business, security and human rights with the signing this week of a Memorandum of Understanding. In many conflict-affected places, businesses, humanitarian organizations, embassies and even governments hire private security companies to deal with their complex security problems. But they cannot be certain that they are not linked to armed groups or criminal networks. DCAF and ICoCA's 10 year partnership highlights our combined efforts to improve accountability and protect human rights through the creation and enforcement of international oversight standards and regulations for the private security industry. 

    20 Sep 2024

Second phase of SSG/R programme starts in Moldova We are pleased to announce that our project supporting the Moldovan government to strengthen security sector governance has been extended for another three years, until December 2028. New partners and stakeholders have been introduced to the project as we enter this second phase of work enhancing the country’s security and resilience, and supporting its progress toward joining the European Union. To mark the occasion, we held an event with partners and donors, including officials from the Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Moldova, and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. 19 Sep 2024

  • Second phase of SSG/R programme starts in Moldova

    We are pleased to announce that our project supporting the Moldovan government to strengthen security sector governance has been extended for another three years, until December 2028. New partners and stakeholders have been introduced to the project as we enter this second phase of work enhancing the country’s security and resilience, and supporting its progress toward joining the European Union. To mark the occasion, we held an event with partners and donors, including officials from the Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Moldova, and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.

    19 Sep 2024

Promoting better relations between the media and police in Mexico As part of DCAF’s regional project, ‘Reconfiguring Police-Press Relations’, representatives of Mexican media organizations, police officials, and the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City recently gathered for a roundtable discussion. It capped a year-long series of joint activities, trainings, and focus groups designed to improve security provision towards journalists and social leaders in compliance with international norms and good practices. With the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, DCAF is helping establish more effective democratic oversight of the security sector through the police-media relations project running in Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 17 Sep 2024

  • Promoting better relations between the media and police in Mexico

    As part of DCAF’s regional project, ‘Reconfiguring Police-Press Relations’, representatives of Mexican media organizations, police officials, and the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City recently gathered for a roundtable discussion. It capped a year-long series of joint activities, trainings, and focus groups designed to improve security provision towards journalists and social leaders in compliance with international norms and good practices. With the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, DCAF is helping establish more effective democratic oversight of the security sector through the police-media relations project running in Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

    17 Sep 2024

Supporting gender mainstreaming in the Latvian security sector We are proud to collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia to raise awareness and build capacity for gender mainstreaming within the country’s security institutions. For over two decades, DCAF has supported security sector reform and good governance in more than 70 countries, and now we are helping Latvia as they advance their National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. It includes key areas like how to increase the number of women leaders in security institutions, and how to create a more gender-responsive sector as a whole.  16 Sep 2024

  • Supporting gender mainstreaming in the Latvian security sector

    We are proud to collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia to raise awareness and build capacity for gender mainstreaming within the country’s security institutions. For over two decades, DCAF has supported security sector reform and good governance in more than 70 countries, and now we are helping Latvia as they advance their National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. It includes key areas like how to increase the number of women leaders in security institutions, and how to create a more gender-responsive sector as a whole. 

    16 Sep 2024

Improving coordination among security institutions in The Gambia DCAF is supporting the Gambian Office of National Security  with a five-day workshop to develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the country’s recently developed National Security Sector Coordination Model. When completed, the SOP will provide clear guidelines on intelligence sharing, crisis management, interagency collaboration, and resource deployment. Participants at the workshop, including representatives from security institutions, civil society organizations, and the Office of National Security, will ensure that the document reflects the realities of current challenges to national security, and enhances the overall security architecture of the country. 12 Sep 2024

  • Improving coordination among security institutions in The Gambia

    DCAF is supporting the Gambian Office of National Security  with a five-day workshop to develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the country’s recently developed National Security Sector Coordination Model. When completed, the SOP will provide clear guidelines on intelligence sharing, crisis management, interagency collaboration, and resource deployment. Participants at the workshop, including representatives from security institutions, civil society organizations, and the Office of National Security, will ensure that the document reflects the realities of current challenges to national security, and enhances the overall security architecture of the country.

    12 Sep 2024


Event Geneva Peace Week 2024 16 Sep 2024

article Strength through unity: the power of networking for women in security forces 09 Sep 2024

Publications Military justice: A comparative study of parliamentary oversight in Euro-Atlantic countries 09 Sep 2024

E-learning The environment and security sector governance and reform 26 Aug 2024

article From Finland to Armenia: Diverse approaches to increasing women’s participation in armed forces 08 Aug 2024

Multimedia Mini documentary: access to legal identity documents in Kenya 08 Aug 2024

article Achieving sustainable development through SSG/R 05 Jul 2024

Event HLPF Side Event: Towards advancing the Pact for the Future 27 Jun 2024

Publications Contributions to the construction of a Latin American police model, the experience of Honduras 25 Jun 2024

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Where we work

We have supported projects and provided advice and expertise to national and international partners in

