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Message from the Director



As Director of DCAF, I am honored to share with you our ongoing efforts and achievements in supporting security sector governance and reform initiatives around the globe.

At DCAF, we are committed to fostering peace, security, and justice by ensuring that security forces operate under democratic control and within the framework of human rights and the rule of law. Our mission is to assist states, international and local actors to develop accountable, transparent, and effective security sectors.

Our work spans multiple countries and involves collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, and international partners, donors, as well as multilateral organizations. We offer tailored expertise and practical support to address the unique challenges faced by each partner, especially in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Our projects and research are designed to build local capacities and promote best practices in security sector governance.

We believe that a well-governed security sector is an essential building block in achieving sustainable peace and development. We also believe in a people-centred approach, empowering people to advocate for their needs and giving them the tools to co-construct their security and justice system.

This work is possible thanks to the commitment and support of DCAF’s governing Foundation Bureau and Council, and our many generous donors. We are especially grateful to our core funders, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, whose trust enables us to innovate, evolve, adapt, and contribute to a better future.

I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our initiatives, resources, and the impact of our work. Your support and engagement are crucial to advancing our mission. Together, we can create a safer, more just world.

Ambassador Nathalie Chuard
Director, DCAF