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The Justice Initiative holds awareness-raising events to advocate for the strengthening of SDG indicator 16.3.2

The Justice Initiative holds awareness-raising events to advocate for the strengthening of SDG indicator 16.3.2

The Justice Initiative has held awareness-raising activities, during the annual United Nations office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) session and at other regional events, to advocate for the strengthening of SDG indicator 16.3.2.

Drawing on in-house expertise and partnerships with civil society, these events have been aimed at illustrating the effects of pretrial detention on socio-economic welfare more broadly, and on achieving SDG 16 specifically. This approach has helped build consensus around the need to strengthen SDG indicator 16.3.2.

Research Publication
16.3 Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice
16.7 Ensure Responsive Inclusive and Representative Decision-Making