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The government engages women in building and sustaining peace in Sudan

The government engages women in building and sustaining peace in Sudan

In Sudan, the government has engaged women in peacebuilding processes and has pushed for the inclusion of gender issues in peace negotiations; incorporating gender into the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) for Sudan as the result of consultations with Sudanese women.

When women's groups from Darfur played a pivotal role in negotiating the Doha Agreement for peace, they also shined a light on the question of women's participation in decision-making processes. As a consequence, 10 of 41 members of the Darfur Regional Authority were women, and a large number of women have joined the security forces in Sudan, especially as police officers. This increasing participation of women in the security sector will make peacebuilding and post-conflict activities more inclusive.

Northern Africa and Western Asia
Research Publication
16.7 Ensure Responsive Inclusive and Representative Decision-Making
16.B Promote and Enforce Non-Discriminatory Laws and Policies