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Capacity Development and Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces

31 December, 2014



DCAF produced an introduction to the role of capacity development in ombuds institutions for armed forces. This publication was mandated by the Fourth International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces. The publication seeks to identify the needs and the willingness of ombuds institutions to be involved in capacity development, and to explore areas in need of further examination. The structure of the publication first introduces capacity development and its relationship with ombuds institutions for armed forces. It is divide into the following sections:

  • Aims of Capacity Development
  • The Process of Capacity Development
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Capacity Development

This publication has been used as the impetus to conduct a mapping study of the work of ombuds institutions that would outline the needs and current state of affairs, as well as allowing for a better understanding of national and regional contexts.