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Borders and Security Governance

1 August, 2006


List of Contents

Part I: Introduction

1-Introduction Marina Caparini and Otwin Marenin

Part II: Concepts and Approaches to Border Management

2-Democratic Oversight and Border Management: Principles, Complexity and Agency Interests. Otwin Marenin

3-Towards a Rationality of Democratic Border Management. Alice Hills

4-Information Technology and Integrated Border Management. Rey Koslowski

5-Enlisting Third Parties in Border Control: a Comparative Study of its Causes and Consequences. Virginie Guiraudon

Part III: European Union

6-Towards a European Approach on Border Management: Aspects Related to the Movement of Persons. Daphné Gogou

7-Enlarging and Deepening the EU/ Schengen Regime on Border Controls.Monika Sie Dhian Ho

8-Challenges for Non- (and Not Yet-) Schengen Countries. Kurt Schelter

9-Management of External EU Borders: Enlargement and the European Border Guard Issue. Peter Hobbing

10-The Project of a European Border Guard: Origins, Models and Prospects in the Context of the EU’s Integrated External Border Management. Jörg Monar

11-Integrated Borderlands? Eberhard Bort

12-Switzerland: Between Intergovernmental Co-operation and Schengen Association. Sandra Lavenex

Part IV: Comparative Perspectives

13-Border Issues: Transnational Crime and Terrorism. Louise I. Shelley

14-Border Management Issues in NAFTA. Martha Cottam

15-The Factor of Trust and the Importance of Inter-agency Cooperation in the Fight Against Transnational Organised Crime: the US–Mexican Example. Edgardo Buscaglia and Samuel González-RuízPart V: Conclusion

16-Conclusion. Marina Caparini and Otwin Marenin


Marina Caparini and Otwin Marenin