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Creating a safer environment for sustainable development
Creating a safer environment for sustainable development
Driving innovation in policy and practice
Driving innovation
in policy and practice
Promoting good governance of the security sector
Promoting good governance
of the security sector
Strengthening global support for better security sector reform
Strengthening global support
for better security sector reform
Promoting gender equality for inclusive security
Promoting gender equality
for inclusive security


Keeping gender equality at the heart of our projects Last week, DCAF’s Director Nathalie Chuard (centre) welcomed team members from the Sahel who are part of our internal Gender Focal Points network. DCAF has a commitment to ensure that all our projects take gender equality into account from the planning stage on through to completion and evaluation. The gender focal points shared their experiences implementing gender equality in projects in their country contexts, and passed on lessons learned to inform our overall approach. Such exchanges are part of our continuous learning and development at both headquarters and across our 15 country offices. 14 Oct 2024

  • Keeping gender equality at the heart of our projects

    Last week, DCAF’s Director Nathalie Chuard (centre) welcomed team members from the Sahel who are part of our internal Gender Focal Points network. DCAF has a commitment to ensure that all our projects take gender equality into account from the planning stage on through to completion and evaluation. The gender focal points shared their experiences implementing gender equality in projects in their country contexts, and passed on lessons learned to inform our overall approach. Such exchanges are part of our continuous learning and development at both headquarters and across our 15 country offices.

    14 Oct 2024

Safeguarding the rights and well-being of armed forces personnel We were thrilled to bring together more than 100 representatives from 40+ countries in Berlin to share experiences and foster cooperation among ombuds institutions. Discussion at the 16th annual International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces looked at pre- and post-deployment support, the integration of women in the armed forces, and the transition to civilian life, as well as mental health challenges faced by veterans, with a focus on post-traumatic stress disorder. The event was possible thanks to the generous support and hospitality of the Government of Germany. 10 Oct 2024

  • Safeguarding the rights and well-being of armed forces personnel

    We were thrilled to bring together more than 100 representatives from 40+ countries in Berlin to share experiences and foster cooperation among ombuds institutions. Discussion at the 16th annual International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces looked at pre- and post-deployment support, the integration of women in the armed forces, and the transition to civilian life, as well as mental health challenges faced by veterans, with a focus on post-traumatic stress disorder. The event was possible thanks to the generous support and hospitality of the Government of Germany.

    10 Oct 2024

Time out for reflection with stakeholders in our Elsie Initiative In Madrid, DCAF brought together key stakeholders of our Elsie Initiative - a multi-stakeholder project designed to increase the meaningful participation of women in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Participants from South Africa, Senegal, Bangladesh, Uruguay, and Jordan discussed what strategies are effective, for whom, and under what conditions. They were trained in outcome harvesting and the change story methodology, empowering them to effectively track and document the progress and impact of the Initiative in their countries. The Elsie Initiative is generously funded by the Government of Canada. 09 Oct 2024

  • Time out for reflection with stakeholders in our Elsie Initiative

    In Madrid, DCAF brought together key stakeholders of our Elsie Initiative - a multi-stakeholder project designed to increase the meaningful participation of women in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Participants from South Africa, Senegal, Bangladesh, Uruguay, and Jordan discussed what strategies are effective, for whom, and under what conditions. They were trained in outcome harvesting and the change story methodology, empowering them to effectively track and document the progress and impact of the Initiative in their countries. The Elsie Initiative is generously funded by the Government of Canada.

    09 Oct 2024

Promoting cross border learning in policing Recently DCAF and representatives of the National Police of Colombia travelled to Quito to meet with members of the National Police of Ecuador as part of the South-South Cooperation component of our Media and Police Regional Programme. Senior Ecuadorean police officers and 50 students from the General Alberto Enríquez Gallo School of Policing discussed with their Colombian counterparts how to protect and promote freedom of expression and human rights. The regional media programme is possible thanks to the generous support of the German Foreign Office and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ecuador.  07 Oct 2024

  • Promoting cross border learning in policing

    Recently DCAF and representatives of the National Police of Colombia travelled to Quito to meet with members of the National Police of Ecuador as part of the South-South Cooperation component of our Media and Police Regional Programme. Senior Ecuadorean police officers and 50 students from the General Alberto Enríquez Gallo School of Policing discussed with their Colombian counterparts how to protect and promote freedom of expression and human rights. The regional media programme is possible thanks to the generous support of the German Foreign Office and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ecuador. 

    07 Oct 2024

Marking a long-standing partnership in SSG/R Our Director Nathalie Chuard (left) was in Berlin to meet with Anka Feldhusen, Director for Crisis Prevention and Stabilisation in Germany’s Directorate-General for Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation, Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Assistance. It’s always a great day when we get to meet with one of our long-standing strategic partners to talk about our current projects, and look ahead to new ideas on how we can continue to collaborate and help build the foundations for peace and sustainable development through SSG/R. Germany is a founding member of DCAF’s Foundation Council and a core contributor to the Trust Fund for North Africa, the International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF), and our International Security Sector Advisory Team. 03 Oct 2024

  • Marking a long-standing partnership in SSG/R

    Our Director Nathalie Chuard (left) was in Berlin to meet with Anka Feldhusen, Director for Crisis Prevention and Stabilisation in Germany’s Directorate-General for Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation, Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Assistance. It’s always a great day when we get to meet with one of our long-standing strategic partners to talk about our current projects, and look ahead to new ideas on how we can continue to collaborate and help build the foundations for peace and sustainable development through SSG/R. Germany is a founding member of DCAF’s Foundation Council and a core contributor to the Trust Fund for North Africa, the International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF), and our International Security Sector Advisory Team.

    03 Oct 2024


Event Responsible business in uncertain times: strengthening corporate leadership amidst widening global conflicts 01 Oct 2024

Event DCAF Young Faces 2024-2025 25 Sep 2024

Event Heightened human rights due diligence: responsible business in conflict-affected and high-risk areas 25 Sep 2024

Event Geneva Peace Week 2024 16 Sep 2024

article Strength through unity: the power of networking for women in security forces 09 Sep 2024

Publications Military justice: A comparative study of parliamentary oversight in Euro-Atlantic countries 09 Sep 2024

E-learning The environment and security sector governance and reform 26 Aug 2024

article From Finland to Armenia: Diverse approaches to increasing women’s participation in armed forces 08 Aug 2024

Multimedia Mini documentary: access to legal identity documents in Kenya 08 Aug 2024

What we do


Where we work

We have supported projects and provided advice and expertise to national and international partners in

