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Ombudsman initiates an own-motion investigation into abuses suffered by migrant workers in Kenya

Ombudsman initiates an own-motion investigation into abuses suffered by migrant workers in Kenya

In Kenya, the Commission on Administrative Justice-Office of the Ombudsman (CAJ) has unveiled the plight of Kenyan migrant domestic workers in Saudi Arabia through an own-motion investigation. These workers experienced physical and sexual abuses, or died in unexplained circumstances, and despite protections afforded by international and regional human rights treaties and the Kenyan Constitution and national laws, were unable to receive redress and remedy.

The CAJ published a report on the issue that recommended better coordination among the many actors involved, as well as practical measures, such as increasing the capacity of labour attachs in Saudi Arabia and establishing safe houses there for Kenyans. Promoting decent work and safe and secure working environments, including for migrant workers, falls under the scope of SDG 8; and preventing physical and sexual abuse contributes to SDG Target 16.1 on reducing all forms of violence. Depending on the gender of migrants, this initiative also advances SDG Target 5.2 by combating violence against, and the exploitation of, women and girls.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Workshop or Event Report
16.1 Reduce Violence Everywhere

WORKSHOP: "Ombuds Institutions, SDG 16, and Security Sector Governance: Towards Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"

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